Flexible online course & exam for those who value their time. Best price on the market at £75 (including VAT).
Register on Barnab. Pick if you want any additional support other than the £75 APLH Qualification.
We send you instructions on how to use our Online Learning platform where you study and practice.
You book a slot that works for you and sit a 40 multi-choice online exam. Pass and get your qualification.
You won't be able to sell alcohol with the qualification alone. You also need to apply for the licence to your council. This means you need to...
Two government forms that you need to submit to the council.
2 Passport photos, one of which needs to be signed by a lawyer.
The whole application pack must be sent to the council. No mistakes allowed.
For another £75 (£150 total), we can also handle ALL your paperwork for the council application. All within our application portal.
Book a 10-minute consultation with one of our agents.