50,000 LPA applications are REJECTED each year.
Because the forms aren't filled out properly.
We make it easy, so this DOESN’T happen to you.
£50. That's it.
It’s not right to profit from this service.
We only charge our minimum operating costs.
This is our fee. The Office for Public Guardian (OPG) charges £82 per application.
We automatically apply for any fee exemptions you might qualify for.
This is someone who will confirm you're making the LPA willingly and understand what it all means.
It's a legal requirement to have a professional.
+£20. If you want us to take on this role.
We process everything through our online platform.
We require our fee to be paid before your case goes to our specialist.
This can be at any time before you submit for review.
The OPG fee is paid after application is submitted.
You need around 30 minutes to answer questions.
We then take 1 day to finalise your forms.
We then send you the forms to print out and sign.
Once everyone signs, you (or us if we are your certificate provide) mail the forms to OPG.
The OPG takes up to 8 weeks to review your application.
Barnab is a software company on a mission to simplify government forms.
We believe nobody should struggle with confusing paperwork.
Especially when mistakes lead to costly rejections.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you appoint someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf if you can’t.
There are two types:
There are 4 key parts to a successful LPA application:
!! With BARNAB you are guaranteed to have 0 mistakes !!
More than 50,000 LPA applications are rejected each year due to mistakes.
If there’s an error, the OPG will return your application, making you re-apply and pay another fee.
Here are the most common mistakes:
Absolutely, you can fill out all the forms yourself.
But the process of doing everything correctly is complicated.
And mistakes can lead to rejection.
We've done hundreds of these applications and know exactly how to get them right.
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